Archive for November 2014

In Memory of Michael Brown and Tamir Rice.   Leave a comment

In Memory of Micheal Brown In Memory of Tamir Rice.

Last night we learned the faith of the Grand Jury decision on the shooting of Michael Brown and I for one for the first time ever was ashamed to be a US citizen. I did something I thought I would never do as someone who gave up twenty-eight weeks of my life seven days a week, sixteen hours a day free to have President Obama’s re-elected emailed The White House and asked the President to resign. For one reason and one reason only and it is well documented in my interviews so I could be involved in his re-election campaign and that was his lack of concern or action on the Civil Rights issues and banks. President Obama has done nothing whatsoever on both of these issues and as a Democrat this bugs me a lot.

I can speak with authority as my niece and nephew are African-American through adoption and also even though I served the President of the United States re-election campaign in 2012 I have provided proof to the FBI, the Department of Justice, The White House and Senator Dianne Feinstein that a Police force
within Marin County and the LAPD have an illegal murder squad and was anything ever done about this? No, is the answer. The Department of Justice in Washington DC practically abused me for even daring to try and bring this proof forward. Did the main stream media like CBS or CNN do anything? No, is the answer and the reason is we as Americans believe that our Police forces do serve and protect but that is our ignorance and we get what we deserve but did Michael Brown get what he deserved?

What ever about the rumors on line that Police Officer Wilson who shot Michael Brown was a Freemason and personally in the twenty-first century I find all these Freemason stuff so boring. In America (unlike Europe) we will never accept free education and free healthcare. We will never accept that a human being should have the right to have a roof over their heads or food in their stomachs without working for it and we don’t care if there are no jobs, that is who we are. But we should never accept what is going with our Police forces in the US as they are being paid to serve and protect all it’s citizens, black, white, Asian, homeless, rich, poor, mentally ill, disabled, elderly.

Tamir Rice, a twelve year boy who looked liked my adopted nephew was shot dead by Police this weekend in Cleveland, Ohio waving a fake gun. Does it ever end? No, is the answer. Our Police system in the US doesn’t work anymore in the twenty-first century and our President who I gave so much to get re-elected has done nothing in his six years of office but wheel Police Officers out in The White House for yet another award. Next time he does it, maybe he will contemplate on the pictures we all had to look at on line of Michael Brown’s body laying in the swelter sun for four hours for all passers by to see and record on their cellphones. Should not of President Obama spoke up then? Yes. But maybe it is our fault as the race issue is forever in the shadows of our society and we should just be honest and frank with ourselves that we are not doing a great job dealing with it.

The list is endless from Oscar Grant in 2009 and Charles Hill (a man I talked to regularly on my way to work at the Civic Centre/UN Plaza Muni and Bart Stations) in 2011, both San Francisco homeless men and both shot to death by Bart Police Officers. What really set off the protests to Hill’s death is that Police Officer who shot him dead was allowed to transfer the following week to the FBI as an FBI agent. And it is the job of the FBI to investigate Police Officers who commit serious crimes against the very people they are paid to serve and protect? See why it is all nonsense and none of these people’s families will ever see justice until the new Congress acts in January 2015 with new and very strong Police control laws to protect the rights of every citizen not just the wealthy or privileged.

My point of all this, is that Hilary Clinton must now come forward and speak out even if it will hurt Obama. My first girlfriend’s family live in Kirkwood, St. Louis and when I was dating her we drove through Ferguson. I am worried as I am sure she is, about her elderly parents during all this unrest the World is now witnessing and when you have the Secretary-General of the UN tonight calling on US law enforcement officials to protect the rights of people to demonstrate peacefully it is time the new Congress in January 2015 brought in new and strong Police control laws across the United States as their first order of business.

What will hurt Hillary Clinton is if she doesn’t come out and speak now with what is happening in Ferguson and what happened in Cleveland last weekend . If anyone deserves to win in 2016 it is Hillary and we all know why. She invented the proper Affordable Care Act back in the 1990s. She stood by her husband Bill
when many would have walked away and then in 2008 the Democrat Party shafting her with those super delegates votes giving the 2012 Democratic candidacy to Obama. But last night’s decision by the Grand Jury must of being very hard for her because if she doesn’t come out and rightly so attack President Obama on this issue, the Republicans will throw this at her during the 2016 Presidential campaign.

I also pointed out to President Obama that every time he uses Air Force One it costs the tax payers over five million dollars. These days must end as we see such a change in Europe on this every issue. I as a volunteer for Obama’s Organizing For America (OFA) had to acquire loans from my amazing bank Manager in San Francisco to pay from my own pocket for the Obama re-election campaign for ink and paper for the whole team during huge vote calling drives every week. Did any of my team ever get paid employment with OFA or in Obama’s White House as they were promised? No. And I received hundreds of insulting emails looking for donations (even tonight) from OFA? For what? A memorial fund for Michael Brown’s family? No. To keep paying OFA staff’s salaries even when it is past their exit date from their position. That’s it, isn’t it? About us Americans and politics, it is all about the green and nothing else.

To hear the President last night appealing for calm makes even the avert support want to scream. This is not about you Mr. President, this is about Michael Brown and the senseless end of his life over a few stolen cigars. I plead with you get angry and show us that emotion publicly and sign an Executive Order in the memory of Michael Brown and Tamir Rice for if you don’t and I don’t believe you will, you will really hurt Hillary Clinton chances in the 2016 Presidential Election.

“We need a new car smell” – President Obama November 23rd, 2014 as Hillary and Bill contemplate her running in 2016:   Leave a comment


From the BBC:

Hillary Clinton would be a “great president” if she decided to run for the White House in 2016, President Barack Obama has said.

He told ABC News Mrs Clinton was not “going to agree with me on everything”, which could be a welcome break for voters after his eight years in office.

Mrs Clinton, 67, lost the 2008 Democratic presidential nomination campaign to Mr Obama.

She is expected to announce whether she will run again in the early 2015.

‘New car smell’

In the ABC interview, President Obama said he talked regularly with Mrs Clinton, describing her as a “friend”.

He said a number of possible Democratic contenders for the top job would do well, but Mrs Clinton was the only one he mentioned by name.

He said the wife of former President Bill Clinton would make a “formidable” and “great” president.

At the same time, he acknowledged that Mrs Clinton, who had served in his administration as secretary of state, might do things differently from him.

“One of the benefits of running for president is you can stake out your own positions, and have a clean slate, a fresh start.”

He also admitted that voters would want what he described as a “new car smell” in the 2016 elections, hinting that he may not have a high-profile role in the campaign.

Mrs Clinton played a prominent role in last month’s mid-term elections, in which the Republicans took control of the Senate.

For two months, she criss-crossed the country, campaigning hard to help Democrats in tight races, the BBC’s Kim Ghattas in Washington reports.

She and ex-President Bill Clinton were the surrogates every Democrat wanted while President Obama was spurned, our correspondent adds.


Posted November 23, 2014 by The Amazing Democrats in Uncategorized